The focus dot was right on the target but 80% of the pics were not sharp. After the first performer, I checked some of my shots and my miss rate on focus was TERRIBLE.
My iso was bouncing between 1000-8000 depending on lighting but no problem for a 5d. These shows are a lot of movement so need AI to keep up, almost like a sporting event. I was shooting manual, 500/2.8 on AI servo and the motor drive on high. Took my 5d mark iv as my main camera and my 7d mark ii as a second camera for backstage flash shots. I shot a burlesque show last night, fairly low light but not too bad.

: New firmware version 1.7.I must say I am a bit confused. : New firmware version is available for EOS C70 : Help ensure your autofocus is properly aligned with a Canon Precision Alignment : New firmware version 1.4.1 is available for EOS R3 : New firmware version is available for EOS-R5 C Start here lensrentals dot com Rent before you purchase. The non L RF primes have been well received, but must have adequate light. Sticking with Canon in this case yields the best results. Conversely many EF lenses can be adapted to a MILC body. If you are already invested in EF glass, it might be less expensive to buy a new lens. That said, a move to mirrorless means starting over (in some regard) new body, some new glass. Both will also work flawlessly with your 5D4.
I usually recommend Canon glass, but the EF Sigma and Tamron are excellent choices if you want to go beyond 400mm without spending somewhere north of $8k on L series glass. Sigma still produces their 1.4x and 2.0x TC's if you want more reach. Sigma also makes a Sports model of the 150~600 s " designation" which has also received high praise. Both lenses are excellent, and Sigma has a great Outlet (like Canon Refurb) where you can save a bundle. Trivial, but muscle memory and my own personal preference. Zoom ring is opposite than Canon (for zoom in and out).
Plus side, It has newer optical coatings, downside (for me) anyway, the Zoom ring is reversed. I've never used the Tamron, but it has a loyal following. It has a optional extender as well, but 600mm is often plenty. Wow Lotus7, nice have the Sigma 150~600c.

Pelicans at 58 meter distance: EOS R5, Tamron 600mm, f/6.3, 1/3200sec, ISO 800 I've been VERY happy with the Canon R lenses, the 70-200 f/2.8L is fantastic, but if you need 600mm or longer, the current Tamron G2 is hard to beat for the price

The Tamron 1.4 X converter is presently no longer in production, but is still in stock at some dealers. It seems to be perfectly matched to the lens at 600mm so produces a 840 mm f/9 combination that still can be hand-held using a proper extended support system at 1/2000 sec (although use with a tripod/gimbal is safer). I was also able to pick up the matched Tamron 1.4X converter for the G2 lens and found it to be amazing. I purchased the Tamron and have used it extensively for bird shots and am delighted with it. However, IMHO, while using the EF-EOS R adapter on the 44 Mpix R-5 the Tamron G2 had noticeably sharper center resolution and less chromatic fringing. Both worked well on the 1D and produced excellent 16 Mpix images. As Ricky mentioned both the Sigma and Tamron-G2 150-600 EF Zooms are excellent contemporary choices.įWIW: I had the opportunity to try both on a 1D Mk-IV, EOS-R5 and EOS-R.