I_uvCoord is multiplied by 10 to produce a visible result with default String maya_group = "3Delight Voronoi" ]],

** Returns the T comp of the default UV set */ ** Returns the U comp of the default UV set */ It will still be visible in the other Maya editors ( Node Editor, Channel Box, etc.). When set to 1, the Maya attribute will not be shown in the Attribute Editor.

Specifies the soft maximum value for the Maya attribute attribute related to the shader parameter. Specifies the soft minimum value for the Maya attribute attribute related to the shader parameter. Specifies the label of a Frame Layout into which the Maya attribute will be displayed in the Attribute Editor. Specifies the label to use for the Maya attribute in the various Maya editors ( Attribute Editor, Node Editor, Channel Box, etc.). Specifies the name of the Maya attribute related to the shader parameter. For now, only bool is supported to display an integer parameter as a checkbox. Specifies the type of the Maya attribute related to the shader parameter. Parameter annotations are provided between a parameter's default value and the comma that ends its declaration. It will be connected to a shading group upon creation. The shading node will be classified as a surface shader. Lens shaders can be connected to a camera's lens shader 3Delight extension attribute. The shading node will be classified as a lens shader. it contains a float parameter that has the string maya_name = "uvFilter" annotation.it contains a float parameter that has the string maya_name = "uv" annotation, and.The node will be classified as a 2D texture node, for which Maya automatically create and connect a place2DTexture node, if: The shading node will be classified as a texture node. Some classification types will also change the node creation mechanism to automatically create and connect related nodes - for instance, creating a surface shader will also create and connect a shading group. The classification affects where the node is presented in the Hypershade tree lister and menus. Specifies the Maya shading node classification. In this case 3Delight for Maya will never need to generate a type ID. You may use any ID between 0x0000 and 0x7FFF if you always provide the maya_typeID annotation for every custom OSL shader you define. This is also the recommended solution if you intend to share your nodes with users outside your studio. You can also request your own reserved node ID range to Autodesk, for free. 3Delight for Maya will generate a type ID between 0x0080 and 0x7F00 if no maya_typeID annotation is provided. The IDs from 0x0000 to 0x7FFF are reserved for node types that are used internally in a studio. You can chose a value between 0x0000 and 0x007F, or between 0x7F01 and 0x7FFF for your shading node type. Each OSL shader that defines a given shading node type should be assigned a unique type ID. This is a integer that Maya uses to identify the node type, most notably when saving a scene in the Maya Binary format. Specifies the type ID used for the node registration. This annotation is provided between the shader name and its parameter list. Multiple, comma-separated annotations, can be used in one set of double square brackets. The annotations are defined between double square brackets. On Linux, paths set in XBMLANGPATH must end with /%B .
For instance, on a default Windows installation of 3Delight Studio Pro, for Maya 2015, the correct destination location is C:\Program Files\3Delight\maya\2015\icons. Make sure to choose the subdirectory that corresponds to the Maya version you are using.

Download and decompress Custom_Hypershade_Nodes.zip.